G-FORSE Certificate in
Confined Space Awareness
3 hour course
3 hour course
Course Overview
This 3-hour confined space awareness course is aimed at any person who is to work within a confined space or who is to carry out the role of a confined space watcher and would satisfy the requirements of the Confined Spaces Regulations 1997.
Course Price: £300
(Max 12 people)
Or give us a call
What’s Covered?
What is a confined space?
Reasonably foreseeable specified risks
The reasons to work safely (legal, moral and financial)
Risk assessment/Safe Systems of work and Permits to work
Elements to consider, including
- Supervision
- Competence
- Communication
- Testing/monitoring the atmosphere
- Gas purging and ventilation
- Isolation from gases, liquids and other flowing materials
- Isolation from mechanical and electrical equipment
- Personal and Respiratory Protective Equipment
- Portable Gas cylinders and internal combustion engines
- Gas supplied by pipes and hoses
- Access and egress
- Fire prevention
- Lighting
- Static electricity
- Emergencies and rescues
- Limited working time
Emergency Procedures
- Safeguarding the rescuers
- Training of rescuers
- Rescue equipment
- Self-rescue equipment
- First aid
- Fire safety
- Control of plant
- Role of the confined space watcher
- Two-way radio protocol